Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What Makes History?

Have you ever stopped to think about what "makes history"? Books are written about events of the world, political accomplishments, famous figures' lives; but why is this what we call history? What about the information of how lives were actually lived? What were their challenges, their joys? Couldn't this be instructive for us today? In looking into a period of history, I am drawn to the stories of the lives that were actually a part of the times; what were the challenges for them economically, health wise, culturally, educationally?

I guess that is why I love to read a good biography. A well written personal history can give us a window into the world at large as well as the individual's experiences. I am currently reading The Narnian, Alan Jacobs' biography of C.S. Lewis. I am an history buff by hobby and I am learning so much about pre-World War I British life, not to mention the life of one of my favorite authors.

What will be chronicled about our period of history? Our gluttony? Our ravaging of the planet? Our disregard for human life? Or are we on the cusp of change as the new President seeks to inspire us toward? What about your own life? What of you? Will you be known as a consumer or a producer?

Let me know your thoughts....I want to make history with my life; how about you?

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